Well folks, it seems like it happens every year. It's the 301 Endless Yard Sale again. For 2024, the 301 Endless Yard Sale will be on June 14th and 15th. That is in fact the third weekend in June.
Imagine all the unique items you could find at something like this! You might find something you've been wanting for many years. You might find something at a steal of a price that you didn't even know you needed!
You're sure to find some useful items at great prices:
The 301 Endless Yard Sale is a great way to earn some extra cash in the Rocky Mount area by selling the stuff you don't want any more. You could even purchase some items ahead of time for wholesale or discounted prices and resell them for a little profit at the big event.
There is more liberty and less regulation when selling with the 301 Endless Yard Sale, so participating by buying or selling is supporting liberty in a weird way. You'll still have to follow laws, of course. They aren't suspending the laws for this event, believe it or not.
This is old-fashioned capitalism among the people without a lot of government involvement. This is empowering and enriching individuals. This is grass-roots capitalism.
Pick a safe place for your roadside selling, not at a blind curve if there is any on 301, and not near a hill where drivers can't see what's ahead like at NC 97.
Don't block traffic or block access to existing businesses and residences. That won't go well.
It's friendly to ask permission from a business or residence if you're in front of their place, and it can help to be on friendly terms with them.
The roadside is public property, and I think 301 has large public easements, but your tables where you're selling your stuff might need more room, and it's best for safety to not be set up right at the edge of the road, so if you can get permission to be on part of someone's land along 301, that might be safer.
Right at an intersection might not be the best place. Intersections can be dangerous places, plus drivers need to be able to see. If all your stuff is blocking their view, that could be a hazard.
It's harder for anyone to have an issue if you're outside city limits. Consider the outskirts of town or city, the areas just outside the municipality where you're not out in a remote rural location but you're not in the city.
Participating counties from north to south:
Towns and Cities along the way:
I'm hoping the Rocky Mount area has many vendors along highway 301 for this year's big event. I'd be sure to also check out our flea markets in Rocky Mount. We also have the Small Shops Mall at Englewood Square on Sunset Avenue in Rocky Mount. I'd take a look at our InJoy Thrift Store at 1020 Liberty Ln as well.
Be mindful of snakes while you're out on the roadside. They're part of our ecosystem on this planet, unique in the vast universe, and are probably more afraid of you than you are of them. They'd rather avoid you than bite you, but they might try to defend themselves if you step on them or get too close. I'm sure there won't be snakes in most locations, but snakes aren't going to pay an arm or a leg because they don't have any, so they like yard sales. I've never seen a snake pay retail.
Don't forget your sunscreen and insect-repellant. Maybe wear a hat. People used to wear hats. Bring plenty of water, Arnold Palmer, or some other cold beverage. Your body does need hydration if you want to remain alive and healthy.
A few links to external websites.
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